Privacy Policy

Sutton Coldfield Radio Society (‘the Club’)

Privacy Notice

Like it or not, the Club must adhere to the new General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) which came into effect on the 25th May 2018. The key principles of the regulations concern consent to hold data, what data is held, where it is held, who has access and how it will be used.


By joining the Cub, and by renewing your membership each year, you consent to the Club holding your full name and address, email address, call sign, telephone number(s), membership number and subscription details.

For those who visit the Club website, cookie information will also be stored.

The Club will also keep a record of the name and contact details of others who have expressed an interest in the Club or provide support.


Only the current Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer will have direct access to all this data. The webmaster will have access to cookie dataonly.


The data is held solely for the efficient and safe running of the Club and to benefit of the members.

It is accepted that all members’ details are confidential and none will be shared or sold to a third party whatsoever.


All the data collected will be held either in a bound paper record, or in a secure electronic file held by the appropriate current Club officer.

The Chairman will arrange an annual review of all data held to ensure that it is safe and still relevant to the Club and its members

Rights of Members

Members details held on our data base can be viewed, edited or deleted within 1 month of a written request to the Hon. Secretary.

Should you request that your details be deleted, it will be assumed that you wish to terminate yourmembership.

Contact Us

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, please contact us.